Mini Drone Quadricopter Radio commande Model Aeromodelisme Modelisme Helicopter

Quadricopter If you try to make a drone of your own, How do you think? Can we do that? Alright, we tried to do. Much needs to be worked on yet because we have to fly. It is happening, but after a few seconds, immediately it’s landing. But at least it doesn’t fall, you can land anywhere.

The name of this drone; i called “quadricopter”. I command it with a radio signal. It works and i never loose the signal.


We gathered with a lot of friends in a gym and we try to fly our own home-made drones. Some of our friends have been really successful and the issues they did some tricks in the air. However, my drone is not flying what i wanted to. I think there is the issue of balance. I need to work on it again. But each of my friend said that, my drone has a beautiful design and lights which is true. Because i used blue and red led light on my drone’s body and it really lights well.

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